Thursday, August 22, 2013

Project: Drivers side kick panel

Well we spent most of the day staring at this mess and trying to figure out what we are going to do with it.  After much deliberation, we may have come up with a plan.  It's probably not the way any car professional would fix it, but hey we are not car professionals.  It will call for some creative fabrication and welding skills. Stay tuned to see if our  plan works!

This is where we started.  The previous owner actually screwed in a piece of metal and then used fiberglass to attach it to the floor
Same area, view from the inside

Here we have cut away all the rusted areas and the area where the all the screw holes were

view of the cutaway area from the inside

This is the patch we welded in to replace the screw hole area and after we attached the new floor to body piece.  Of  course now we figured out our new box channel is about 1" too long, so we will just have to work around it on this side since its all welded in.  Lesson learned!

The bottom piece of the repair being dry fitted

Interior view of the dry fit

David smoothing out the bottom of our patch piece.  It has been tacked into place

Tacked into place, just need to go back and finish welding and seal all the seams

Interior view of repair

9/14/13 - Well I think we are almost finished with the kick panel, the exterior is done and the only thing we have to do is make a support piece for the interior
All welding done

Exterior done with seam sealer and por 15

Exterior done with seam sealer and por 15

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